Shady"s Tube

What Should I do my next Video on ?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Interview with a wonna-Be guru"
Questions from face book.

How did you Get started on Youtube ?
Well That Kinda of a funny story really. Well more sad than funny.
I Suffer from BPD ( Borderline Personality Disorder) as well a sever bouts of depression. So At that point I was out on medical leave from my Job because My depression and BPD became unmangable. I think really I didn't deal with any of my problems. I just kinda stuffed them down. Problem is, What happens when the tank is full. it kinda starts to seep and then it burst's. So all the thing going wrong kinda just exploide. My miscarriage, my home life, Money problems, my relationship just kinda of fell apart. So I was on leave. So I went to IOPC by day and by night I had nothing to do. So I just started suffer the net. I had just got high speed internet so It kinda open up a new world to me. So I Found Youtube. I really enjoyed watching people put on make up and do there hair and stuff like that. maybe 2 weeks in I posted a video. I didn't start out with make up. It was just some random vlogs. And I couldn't belive people watched it or care what I had to say. And then came the day I ran across Pursebuzz. And that when I made up my mind to do make up videos. It was a perfect match for me. I had always loved beauty and making my self up. And Getting a hold of people to making them over. I couldn't believe people where watching. And enjoying, subcribing and leaving great comment. I really didn't feel as lonely as before. I found a lot of great friends here on youtube. And for me it not about the Sub and the view. It about making others feel beautiful. And to teach and learn. Corny Huh. But it the truth.

What Do you do about the Youtube haters ?
I Have my page set up so I have to approve all comment. And I know a lot of people don't do that but I don't feel My real subbys wonna see that mess. I mostly just delete them. But if there Saying something really mean or hateful I block them. But sometimes I Do say something back. Mostly I just kinda ignore them.

Why Do you put up non makeup video on you channel ?
That kinda simple It my page. And I get board easy.

Do you think other Guru are fake?
I think we all are being face. None of us really run around with a lot of make up and full lashes.